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Kasim Boy Wins Arewa Glo Award

Adamawa-born Kasim Boy has won the the Arewa Glo Award for the Next Rated Artist of the Year.The competition was held at Admiral City Park Yola, Adamawa state. Kasim boy beat two other artists - Star Pee and Bash Man Dan Borno who clinched...

Zee Jibril Wins Arewa-Glo Beauty Pageant Awards

Young, beautiful, and smart Zee Jibril from Lafia, Nasarawo state has won this year's 2022 Glo-Arewa Beauty Pageant Awards.Zee was crowned the most beautiful lady in Arewa by the Glo-Arewa Awards organizers. The event was held at Lafia, Nasrawa state.However, the second runner-up- Dejat...