Water is live. There is one man in Adamawa state that’s is touching the lives of thousands people and their communities through the supply of basic clean and drinkable water.
Alh Abdullahi Ahmed popular called Abdu Dollar, Chairman/CEO NG-Eagle Airline has constructed hundreds of boreholes in remotes villages and communities throughout Adamawa state.
An investigation carried by this medium revealed that, Abdu dollar has touched the lives of thousands of people not just through the construction of boreholes, but clinics, mosques, houses, classrooms, payments of hospital bills, schools fees, securing of employment to the youths including basic assistance to many people in needs. Many people now called him the ‘father of the masses’
One interesting thing about 👋 s philanthropic activities is, he doesn’t know many of these people that he assisted, in fact, he has not seen them eyes to eyes nor even visited the project sites. Also, he doesn’t publicize it or did it for political gains.
In one community visited by this medium, they said, they have been living without portable water for hundreds of years, but today, thanks to Alh Abdullahi Ahmed (Abdu Dollar) a big borehole with solar panels was constructed in their community which has completely solved the issue of water supply and water-borne diseases
If Adamawa state can have a few of Abdu Dollars among its elites and elective officials, poverty, unemployment and the absent of basic water supply can be reduced drastically.
For his philanthropic activities and touching the lives of many communities, Alh. Abdullahi Ahmed was honored by his alma mat Aliyu Musdafa Old Boys Association, with an award of excellence
Next we look at communities and individuals assisted by this business tycoon and philanthropist